What to Do With a Broken TV: Creative Solutions to Save Your Money.


To dispose of a broken tv, you can either recycle it, sell it for parts, or contact the manufacturer for proper disposal instructions. Tvs contain hazardous materials and should not be thrown in the trash.

With the advancement of technology, electronic devices have become a part of our daily lives. Among these numerous appliances, television is one of the most commonly used ones. However, like any other electronic device, televisions also tend to break down over time.

A broken tv not only occupies precious space in your home but also contains hazardous materials that could harm the environment if not disposed of properly. Fortunately, there are several ways to dispose of a broken tv, including recycling it or selling it for parts. In this article, we will discuss some of the best practices for disposing of a broken tv, so you can make an informed decision and protect the environment at the same time.

What to Do With a Broken TV: Creative Solutions to Save Your Money.

Credit: www.washingtonpost.com

Turn Your Tv Into A Work Of Art

Transforming your broken tv into a work of art is a unique and creative way to repurpose it. With a little creativity and some simple tools, you can transform your tv into a visually stunning piece of art. Start by deciding on a design or pattern and gather your materials such as paint, brushes, and stencils.

Then, remove the tv screen and carefully paint your design onto the exposed surface. You can also experiment with different textures and techniques to create a one-of-a-kind piece. A painted tv can serve as a conversation starter or as a statement piece in your home, adding a touch of personality and uniqueness to your space.

So, don’t throw away that old tv just yet, get creative and turn it into a stunning work of art.

Turn Your Tv Into A Computer Monitor

If you have a broken tv lying around, don’t toss it. Instead, turn it into a computer monitor. Connecting a broken tv to a computer is easy. Start by checking if your computer has an hdmi output. If it does, use an hdmi cable to connect your computer to the tv.

If not, use a vga cable to connect to the tv. Optimizing the experience requires adjusting the resolution and display scaling. You should also use a wireless keyboard and mouse for convenience. With a little effort, you can transform your broken tv into a functioning computer monitor.

Donate Your Broken Tv

Donating your broken tv to a charity or non-profit can be a great way to help others while getting rid of your old electronics. Not only can you feel good about helping those in need, but you can also benefit from a tax deduction for your donation.

To find an organization that accepts tv donations, start by checking with local charities and non-profits in your area. Some larger chain stores may also be willing to take your old tv off your hands. Just be sure to properly wipe your data and dispose of any hazardous materials before donating.

With a little effort, you can make a positive impact on both your community and the environment by donating your broken tv.

Turn Your Tv Into A Pet House

Transforming a broken tv into a pet house is an innovative option. It provides a cozy and personal area for your furry friend. The process involves removing the tv’s inner components and decorating the cavity with cushions and bedding materials.

You can transform your pet’s new house with colorful paint and cute designs. Another way to repurpose your broken tv for your pet is to create a feeding station. You can remove the screen and use the cavity for pet food storage.

Alternatively, you can use it as a playground by putting toys and climbers inside. These creative ideas not only give your broken tv a new purpose but also provide happiness and comfort for your pets.

Sell Your Broken Tv For Parts

Selling your broken tv for parts can be a smart move if you’re handy enough to do so. Online platforms such as ebay and craigslist can help you connect with potential buyers. However, before you sell your tv parts, keep in mind that the value of a broken tv is not always high.

Also, consider the cost and effort involved in removing the parts. It’s important to research the market for tv parts and compare prices before listing your parts for sale. Be honest about the condition of your parts as well to maintain your credibility as a seller.

With these factors in mind, you can potentially earn some extra cash from your broken tv.

Frequently Asked Questions Of What To Do With A Broken Tv

How Do I Dispose Of A Broken Tv?

If you have a broken tv, it is important not to just throw it out. You can dispose of it through electronics recycling programs, local hazardous waste facilities, or returning it to the manufacturer.

Can A Broken Tv Be Fixed?

It may be possible to fix a broken tv, depending on the issue and the type of tv. However, the cost of repair may not be worth it, and it may be more practical to replace the tv instead.

How Do I Repurpose A Broken Tv?

There are various ways to repurpose a broken tv, such as using it as a planter, an aquarium, or removing the screen and using it as a lamp or bulletin board. Be creative!


Ultimately, when it comes to dealing with a broken tv, there are various options available to you. You can try to fix the tv yourself by following some online tutorials or seek the help of a professional. You can also donate the tv to a local charity, school or non-profit organization.

Alternatively, you can recycle the tv by taking it to a recycling center or scheduling a pickup with your local electronic waste disposal agency. Before making any decision, consider the severity of the damage, the age of the tv, and your personal preference.

Whatever your decision may be, make sure to dispose of your tv responsibly and safely to protect the environment and those around you. Remember, every small step taken towards responsible e-waste management can have a significant impact on our planet’s health.

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